We won a prize for our system using the QR code nail jell sticker .


In the last audition of the 99th “Kawasaki Entrepreneur Audition Business Idea Series Market,” we were given the highest award of Kawasaki Entrepreneur (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Foundation) for our system using the QR code nail jell sticker.

In the last audition of the 99th “Kawasaki Entrepreneur Audition Business Idea Series Market,” we were given the highest award of Kawasaki Entrepreneur (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Foundation) for our system using the QR code nail jell sticker. An audition for business planning on the condition of starting business or entering into a new market, which is hosted by Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Foundation, is held every year. In the 99th audition, we were given the following awards for our presentation titled as “We would like to protect the elderly with our system using the QR code nail jell sticker.” It is really more than we deserve.We will be making every effort to do business with these honored awards in mind from now on.

・“Kawasaki Entrepreneur Outstanding Performance Award”
・“JEA Award”
・“Starting Good Business Award”
・“NAGAYA Kawasaki Award”
・“Audience Cheering Award”


“Kawasaki Entrepreneur Audition Business Idea Series Market”

“Kawasaki Entrepreneur Outstanding Performance Award”<
